Jan 23, 2011


Once, I read somewhere - ' Shoes reflect the true personality of a man.' A dress is never complete without a pair of nice & comfortable shoes. And I love shoes. Fashionable, good looking, shoes. With a little bit of  bling here & there, some studded, some strapped, I just love shoes. But the irony is, I hardy find shoes which fits me perfectly  :[ ( forget about being fashionable & branded). I have tiny feet & its really difficult to get the right size. Most of the time I end up loitering around the kids section looking for a good , not kiddish looking pair. Whenever & wherever I find one , with the right fit, I pick up, ignoring the price. And there are times when I have picked a wrong size , consciously to satisfy my alter ego. 

During my holiday in Delhi, my target was to hand pick a few good pairs , for the coming spring. I had high hopes on Zara, ALDO, Nine west and a couple of other brands. But my dreams were shattered , when I got to know that Zara (India) starts from size 36 only :[ I'm sure there are lots of Fashion Conscious Indians with below 36 foot size. Where do they find a good pair?? Custom made? Or do they shop from fancy stores abroad? I  assume they opt for the last. Disappointedly, I managed to find one last pair each in ZARA & Muah ( size 35) which fits me. Then, I came back to my lovely city - Bangalore & ended up in another round of shopping. I bought a pair of black thong ankle strap sandals from Marie Claire (Bata), which I adore. Its a direct rip-off from one of the famous brand ( Anthropologie , I'm not too sure, I saw the design long back in WGSN Trend search engine). The black-suede-studded pair was picked up during my HK trip in 2010. I didn't struggle to find a good pair for myself there. And guess what, there was a special tag attached to most of the shoes/sandals of size 35. It says - Special Size for Asia. That's really sweet & thoughtful. I wish shopping in India was such easy & sweet, specially finding a pair of shoes for myself ..looks like a distant dream. With this dream in my heart, I'm off for tonight. Happy week ahead to all, work hard & party harder.

Muah , Delhi
Marie Claire (BATA), Bangalore

Zara, Delhi

H&M, Hong Kong

Special tag attached to ZARA shoes

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